Book with $900 USD

Retreat Cuzco 2024 - Traveling to heaven on earth. (2950 USD)

11 days in Cuzco from September 21 to October 1, 2024 

Join us on this initiatory adventure where we will discover and enjoy, understand and share, and above all, be reborn.

For the first time, we will step away from our usual lives to meet on the other side of the world, where the sky meets the earth. In a magical and powerful place, to start a new chapter in our lives.

Throughout the days together, we will have space to learn and unlearn, to know and share, to withdraw and find ourselves again. Everything necessary to emerge stronger and be reborn into a much fuller life.

What's included:

  • Transportation from Cuzco to the retreat center on September 21 at 4.30 PM from PLAZA DE ARMAS CENTRO CUSCO.
  • Accommodation, meals, and internal transportation throughout the retreat
  • All activities described in the program
  • Excursions around Cusco, Machu Picchu, Aguas Calientes, Ollanta, Intihuatana (entry fees included)
  • Transportation to the airport on October 1


  • Limited spots (reservations are taken until June 15, or until full).
  • This advance notice is necessary because tickets to Machu Picchu must be purchased three months in advance. Beyond these dates, we cannot guarantee entry to the site.
  • The remaining balance can be paid in installments.
  • The retreat must be fully paid by August 1.
  • Does not include airfare from your place of residence to Cusco.
  • This deposit is non-refundable except in the case that the organization must cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances.